Bricks are low-maintenance and energy efficient, making them a widely-favored material for homeowners and commercial developers. Although a classic style, the dark red brick color can become outdated, which is when most people whitewash the brick exterior of their building to create a fresh, clean, modern look.
Because brick is porous, great care and attention to detail are needed to complete this type of project. As exterior painting contractors, we know a thing or two about the process and have written this blog to teach you how to whitewash brick.
- Working time: 3-4 hours
- Skill level: Beginner to intermediate
- Cost: $100+
What Is Whitewash Painting?
Whitewashing is when white paint or limestone is applied to brick. New techniques like the "German smear" use white mortar, which is more permanent and difficult to remove. A whitewashed brick house can be achieved in several ways, depending on the state of the bricks and desired permanency.
Whitewashing Unpainted Brick
Creating a natural finish on brick exteriors is achievable with thinned latex paint, providing a close-to-transparent look reminiscent of traditional limewash paint exterior. Diluting white or gray paint with water (at ratios of 3:1 or 4:1) allows the hue and texture of the brick to be visible. Generally, all the brick and mortar should be coated. For more contrast, each brick can be painted while leaving the mortar untouched
Whitewashing Painted Brick
You must first take off the paint, clean the brick, and then you can apply whitewash to the brick. Alternatively, you can apply a faux whitewash technique to whitewash a brick house.
Rather than diluting the paint, it's simply tinted, and a sponge, sized to fit one brick, is used for dabbing each brick. This technique accentuates the pattern on the mortar that was previously concealed by paint
What You'll Need for Whitewashing Brick Exterior

To whitewash brick, you'll need the following tools and materials. The exact amount of paint and limewash depends on the surface area you cover.
To work out how much paint you need to whitewash brick exteriors, measure the total area of the exterior walls, including windows and doors, and then add 10-20% extra to allow for any wastage.
Divide the total area by the coverage rate of the paint you are using to calculate the number of liters of paint required. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions for the coverage rate of the paint you are using.
- Scrub brush
- Spray bottle
- Wire brush
- Putty knife
- Mixing bucket
- Drop cloth and sheet plastic
- Chip brushes
- Cotton rags
- Brick surface
- Painter's tape
- Dish soap
- Warm Water
- Limewash solution
- White paint
- Gray paint
- TSP (trisodium phosphate) or alternative
How to Choose an Exterior Whitewash Brick Paint?
When selecting whitewash paint for your home’s exterior, it is important to consider the colors of the roof, trim, and brick. Pre-mixed colors are available, and you can even create your own custom color to match your home perfectly. It's up to you whether you want exterior paint to incorporate more of the brick as an undertone or cover it up for a mostly-white look.
Whitewash Exterior Brick in 5 Easy Steps

Whitewashing your walls can be a beneficial way to protect your brick walls from moisture, mold, insect infestations, and harsh weather. The whitewash contains antibacterial properties and forms a protective barrier to help reduce the risk of deterioration over time.
Here's how to whitewash bricks.
Step 1: Gently Clean the Brick
Whitewashing over dirty brick won't achieve the desired effect. Exterior power washing is the most effective way to get rid of dirt and the first order of business.
You'll also want to apply a cleaning solution to eradicate stubborn grime before you whitewash outdoor brick. Potencies vary from dish soap to ammonia - always use the solution according to the instructions and then rinse off with a clean rag dipped in warm water.
The Perfect Finish Starts With You
Breathe new life into your space. Entrust Oahu Pro Painters with your property and expect results of the highest quality.

Are you looking for a painting service in Hawaii? Oahu Pro Painters is here to help! We provide interior and exterior painting services and can whitewash your brick home. If you're investing in your property, you want to select the right painting partner to do the job properly the first time. Why not schedule a consultation with us?