How Often to Paint a House Exterior? 11 Signs Your Home Needs Repainting

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    The exterior of your home is the first impression you make of your style and how you take care of your house, and you want it to come off perfectly, right? To keep your home looking beautiful, experts suggest painting a home exterior at least once every 10 years, though many factors can affect this.

    But pure aesthetics aren’t the only reason painting and repainting your house is so important. Repainting an old house can actually help protect it, with the paint providing an initial layer of protection from the elements. With everything from weather, to insects, and regular damage affecting your exterior, maintaining a clean home, both inside and out, is no easy task.

    To enhance your home for a modern finish that can withstand the years you’ll spend within your cozy space, understanding how often to repaint house exterior surfaces is a must. From the right shade to different hues and paint styles, there’s a lot to consider when repainting the outside of a house, but as the team of Oahu Pro Painters shares their wisdom, you’ll know just when it’s time to do so.

    11 Signs It's Time for Repainting an Old House Exterior

    Wondering if it’s time to tackle repainting an old house exterior? There are a number of reasons your house needs painting or repainting, and knowing when to repaint the house exterior can prevent any damage from having long-term effects. From peeling fading paint to mildew and plans to sell, there are some reasons to invest in repainting.

    Still, debating whether you should repaint or not? Let’s break down a few of the tell-tale signs that it’s time for a new paint job.

    Fading Colors

    Cracking Paint

    One of the first ways you can tell that it’s time to repaint your house exterior is if your paint color is beginning to fade. 

    With the sun shining bright in Hawaii, exterior paint is more subject to fade over the years due to the extensive sun exposure. Due to the sun’s rays, pigments are actually absorbed by the light, causing the fading hues you’re noticing. To prevent your home from looking dull and tired, repaint before it gets too far along.

    Peeling and Cracking

    Bubbling, peeling, and cracking pain is extremely common when it comes to exterior paint jobs, especially in the hot Hawaiian climate. When this damage begins to show, you’ll start noticing lines in your paint job that actually show the surface beneath. And once water and dirt begin to settle in the cracks, you can expect that your paint will start peeling. 

    As with fading colors, this cracking, peeling, and bubbling is a key signal of when to repaint the house exterior. If it goes unrepaired, this damaging effect will spread, creating a patchwork-like look on your exterior, leaving your home looking worn and worse for wear. 

    Keep in mind this kind of cracking and peeling may signal that your paint wasn’t applied well, or it has been too long since you’ve repainted. The sooner you repair it, especially with a skilled professional, the better. 

    Damaged Caulking

    Another key sign that it’s time to repaint your house exterior is if you’re starting to notice damage to your caulking. Caulking is used to seal gaps between panels and stones, ensuring water doesn’t get through and cause damage to your home. 

    So, if you notice this is starting to peel or is falling from the seal, moisture is likely getting into the structure of your home, which can lead to much more significant damage. It’s in your best interests to repair this immediately. 


    Wondering, “should I repaint my house before selling?” Usually, the answer is “Yes.”

    Repainting the exterior of your home, as well as the smaller elements like repainting house shutters and trim, can do a lot to increase your home’s value. This fresh coat of paint will make your home instantly more appealing to prospective buyers. 

    Plus, the right, on-trend color can further elevate your space to a more universally appealing look. It’s a quick way to enhance your tired home to a fresh space any family can see themselves in. 

    Gaps in Woods

    protect the surface of your home

    Paint can do a great deal to protect the surface of your home from the elements, and in a hot, wet place like Hawaii, this is an essential barrier. 

    If you notice cracks in your stucco or hints of rotting wood, you will need to do some damage control before repainting. This involves assessing and repairing the damage to the surface. Once that’s done, a fresh coat of paint is essential to properly protect your newly repaired surface. 

    Selling a House

    Wondering, “should I repaint my house before selling?” Usually, the answer is “Yes.”

    Repainting the exterior of your home, as well as the smaller elements like repainting house shutters and trim, can do a lot to increase your home’s value. This fresh coat of paint will make your home instantly more appealing to prospective buyers.

    Plus, when you make the effort to repaint home exterior, the right, on-trend color can further elevate your space to a more universally appealing look. It’s a quick way to enhance your tired home to a fresh space any family can see themselves in.

    The Perfect Finish Starts With You

    Breathe new life into your space. Entrust Oahu Pro Painters with your property and expect results of the highest quality.

    Bring in Your Local Painting Experts!

    Whether you’re still wondering, “how long does it take to repaint a house,” need to know the cost of repainting the outside of your house, or are all set to tackle repainting, our team at Oahu Pro Painters is here to help.

    With a team of professional, experienced painters, we are equipped to handle repainting an old house, no matter how faded, chipped, and weathered your exterior may be. To begin the process of repainting your house, contact us at 808-427-1186 or schedule an estimate online today. 


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